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Hypnosis for Compulsive Eating
Portion Control


Compulsive eating is characterized by uncontrollable eating followed by feelings of guilt and shame. It is different from bulimia in that it does not involve any purging. While compulsive eating inevitably results in weight gain, it is also not to be confused with obesity. Not everyone who is overweight eats compulsively.

In the past, it was assumed that everyone who engaged in compulsive eating on a regular basis, had a “willpower” problem. They were told to "eat less and exercise more". Most people who summoned up the courage to tell the doctor that they thought they had a food addiction, were handed a 12-hundred calorie diet and an exercise program. But, the treatment doesn't fit the problem. Compulsive eaters don't lack willpower. They have a problem no DIET in the world can fix.

The best description of what living with compulsive eating is like comes from a friend of mine. He says it's just like a scene in a movie where an alcoholic says, "I've got to have a drink. I've got to have a drink." And then, as soon as he gets that drink he's okay. For many of us, it's just like that, only with food.

Compulsive eaters are often caught in a cycle of eating and depression. Food is used as a coping mechanism to deal with uncomfortable feelings. Many people eat as a way to numb all that is going on around them.

Triggers for compulsive eating include depression, anxiety, interpersonal stressors, boredom, prolonged dieting, and body image dissatisfaction. Hypnosis can help with each of these issues.

Don’t beat yourself up. There’s hope! Our CD program, Hypnosis for Compulsive Eating and Portion Control, offers the assistance you are looking for. You already consciously know what you need to do when you eat. The CDs help focus your subconscious mind on your goals They relax you and remove the tension so you can deal with your issues and they help to release the brain's chemistry that makes you feel full.



What are you waiting for? Order this program on our secure server and take control of your eating. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.


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